Multi Truck Fleet 141020 Cropped 3

Fit for any industry.

South Africa has a road network of 754 600 km, the tenth longest in the world*. From harbors to borders, from rural areas to cities – thousands of trucks travel our roads daily.

Without trucks and truck drivers, very limited supplies will reach their destinations. The world is dependent on the transport industry for construction, distribution, waste management and other essentials.

Unlock the full potential of the champion in reliability, robustness, efficiency, safety and body builder friendliness by having your cement mixer, tipper, hooklift, skip loader, compactor, water tanker or insulated body fitted at a body manufacturer.


Cargo Truck 1

General distribution

12 million tons of maize are distributed annually throughout South Africa**. Fruits and vegetables, medical supplies, bread, agricultural products or plastic – we rely on trucks and their drivers to deliver supplies where needed. Unlock the full potential of the champion in reliability, robustness, safety and efficiency by having an insulated body fitted at a body manufacturer.



Water Truck

Water distribution

71% of the earth’s surface is made up of water. It takes reliable trucks and their drivers to efficiently deliver the source of life. Unlock the full potential of the champion in reliability, robustness, safety and efficiency by having a water tanker fitted at a body manufacturer.

Garbage Truck

Waste management

Approximately 160 million tonnes of waste is transported by the South Africa’s waste management industry every year and nearly 40% of all non-hazardous waste materials are recycled***. Whether it is residential or industrial, the world relies on trucks and their drivers to efficiently transport refuse and waste for responsible disposal. Unlock the full potential of the champion in reliability, robustness, safety and efficiency by having a refuse collection, roll-on, roll-off, hooklift, skip loader or compactor fitted at a body manufacturer.

Construction Trucks 8 Wheel 141020


Approximately 4 billion clay bricks**** and 13 million tonnes of cement are manufactured in South Africa every year******. To be in the construction industry takes hard work and dedication and no construction would be possible without trucks and their drivers to transport building material to where it needs to be. Unlock the full potential of the champion in reliability, robustness and body builder friendliness by having a cement mixer or tipper body fitted at a body manufacturer.

If you are interested in the Arocs, please complete the below form and one of our dealers will be in contact soon.

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Sources of statistics:   

*The South African National Road Agency

**Maize production – Department of agriculture of South Africa, Jean du Plessis.


****Clay Brick Association of South Africa
